


DeXian Labs (“we,” “us,” or “our”) consists of developers in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space who have developed a lending protocol based on open-source and decentralized principles, operating on the RadixDLT distributed ledger. This disclaimer outlines important considerations for users interacting with our lending protocol.

No Financial Advice:

The information and materials provided by our lending protocol do not constitute financial advice, investment advice, or any other advice. We are not financial advisors, and users of the protocol should conduct their own research and seek appropriate professional advice before making any financial decisions.

Decentralized Nature:

Our lending protocol operates in a decentralized manner on the RadixDLT network. Users should be aware that the decentralized nature of the protocol may expose them to unique risks, and they should exercise caution when participating in decentralized finance activities.

Smart Contract Risks:

The lending protocol utilizes smart contracts to execute lending and borrowing transactions. Users should be aware of the inherent risks associated with smart contracts, including but not limited to coding errors, vulnerabilities, and unforeseen circumstances.

User Responsibility:

Users of the lending protocol acknowledge and accept the risks associated with decentralized finance and the use of smart contracts. Users are solely responsible for their interactions with the protocol, including lending, borrowing, and any other activities performed on the platform.

No Guarantees:

The lending protocol and its smart contracts are provided “as is,” without any guarantees or warranties. We make no representations or warranties regarding the functionality, security, or availability of the protocol.

Regulatory Compliance:

Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdiction. We do not guarantee that the protocol complies with the laws of all jurisdictions.

Changes and Updates:

We reserve the right to make changes to the protocol, including but not limited to its features, functionalities, and terms of use. Users are encouraged to review the latest information available on our official channels.


By using the lending protocol, users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and accepted the terms of this disclaimer. Users are advised to exercise caution and diligence when engaging in decentralized finance activities.