The Price Oracle of DeXian Lending Protocol

reliable, up to date, and secure.

Price Oracle

Throughout the DeXian Lending Protocol, we rely on reliable, up-to-date, and secure price feeds. However, due to the infancy of Radix Babylon, large-scale and widely available price oracles are yet to emerge. We’ve identified two oracles with Scrypto-compatible interfaces, but their update frequency is suboptimal, ranging from half an hour to a few hours, introducing additional risks for protocol participants.

Price Feed(endpoint)

We propose the design of a neutral role provider that utilizes cryptography to sign price information, enabling anyone to verify the data. As illustrated in the figure: price oracle

Price Provider

  • Current price sources: coingecko, bitfinex,, kucoin
  • The aforementioned prices are cryptographically signed, with the public key readily available for anyone to verify the information by accessing the endpoint.
  • The price provider acts as an impartial entity solely dedicated to delivering secure, timely, and reliable price data.


Public Verifiable

  • Price information comprises price, timestamp, epoch, and token address details to safeguard against tampering or replay attacks.
  • Price information is presented in plaintext, ensuring human readability while maintaining cryptographic double verifiability.

ed25519 verify

DeXian Lending Protocol participants

  • Borrowing, renewing, and liquidating participants must reference price information from the price provider when interacting with the protocol.
  • The Scrypto component of the DeXian Lending Protocol employs cryptographic techniques to validate the authenticity of its data prior to advancing to the subsequent interaction step.
  • Developers and projects that need to integrate the protocol send their requests via X or Telegram.